Incredibly honoured and humbled to have hosted Karl Morris AO as the Vice President of the Christian Business Network (CBN) Brisbane at the Parliament House Of Queensland with over 110 guests in attendance!
Karl was awarded an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) on Australia Day 2019, for distinguished service.
Karl is the Chairman of the Brisbane Broncos Ltd and the Chief Executive and Managing Director of Ord Minnett, with a career spanning over 36 years in financial services and wealth management with over $60 Billion of funds under management and advise.
I asked Karl what has been one of his many greatest accomplishment – having 5 kids and still happily married after 31 years with Louise and now has 1 grandchild.
Also incredibly honoured to host and chat with Roby Curtis, Roby and his likeminded team have since been at the forefront of Brisbane Homelessness through Emmanuel City Mission: a daytime sanctuary in the heart of the city for the last 8 years, whereby they welcome and care for up to 120 vulnerable people each day. 1000 hot meals, 150 shower and toiletry packs, 100 loads of washing and unlimited conversations with people who care.
CHRISTIAN BUSINESS NETWORK AUSTRALIA was founded for the purpose of supporting businesses to grow and prosper. We believe that as Christian Business people, we are Ambassadors for Christ in the Marketplace
Thank you Alan Lucas – CBN President, Wes Leake – CBN Brisbane President, Michael Choi, Jeanette Cheung, Andrew Pitchford and Alex Robertson for your commitment and service to CBN.
#cbn #christiannetwork #christianentrepreneur #cbnbrisbane