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FINALIST in the prestigious 2023 HKABA Business Awards – A magnificent night to remember

| Colin Lee |

๐ŸŒŸ A Magnificent Night to Remember! ๐ŸŒŸOh what a NIGHT!

Inspire Realty has been named a FINALIST in the prestigious 2023 HKABA Business Awards Gala Dinner for Business Excellence๐Ÿ†at the Grand Ballroom, Hilton Brisbane celebrating excellence in international trade between Australia and Hong Kong SAR and China. Glad and grateful to be with the Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner – Lord Mayor of Brisbane, and Lady Nina Schrinner – Lady Mayoress Chair at Lord Mayor’s Charitable Trust.

The Hong Kong-Australia Business Association (HKABA), with its rich history dating back to 1987, has played a vital role in strengthening economic ties between Hong Kong and Australia. With over 1000 members nationwide, including local business professionals, SME operators, and large corporates, it’s an honor to be recognised by this esteemed organization.

The HKABA Business Awards program is designed to acknowledge and incentivize individuals and companies who are committed to excellence in all aspects of international trade. We are proud to be part of this community, striving to promote economic growth and cooperation.

Thank you Kenny MA for your encouragement and support all throughout the awards. Great to be part of such a prestigious night and testament to your team for all their hard work.. Thakn you Hong Kong Australia Business Association – Queensland Chapter for your recognition!

Was great to meet Ben Nguyen! Nguyen achieved internet fame when his March 8, 2014 fight versus Julian Wallace surfaced on YouTube. Wallace attempted to intimidate Nguyen at the pre-fight weigh-ins by forcefully putting his fist against Nguyen’s chin and trying to put Nguyen off his game. This tactic, however, proved ineffective as Nguyen knocked Wallace out within 25 seconds of the first round. The video of this fight went viral and has amassed over 58 million views on YouTube, and over a 100 million views on Facebook and other social network platforms. Thank you for your generosity and friendship!

๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐ŸŒ #HKABA2023 #BusinessExcellence #InternationalTrade #Finalist #HiltonBrisbane

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